Glo Life | GloDerma Aesthetics in Yardley, PA
Clinic Entrance | GloDerma Aesthetics in Yardley, PA
Amy Birkenstamm

Health & Wellness Coaching

Whatever your goals may be, turn intentions into reality with Glo Life Health & Wellness Coaching. Together we’ll work to develop the tools and resources you need to take back your health, so you can live a happier, more productive and fulfilling life.

The goal of Glo Life Wellness Coaching is true transformation – mind, body and soul.

Together we’ll work to develop the tools and resources you need to take back your health, so you can live a happier, more productive and fulfilling life. After we define what healthy is for you, we’ll work to develop a plan that’ll get you there. Your coach will be by your side to keep you motivated and accountable as you work through blocks and beliefs that keep you stuck, so you can begin to embody your own picture of health.

Contact Glo Derma in Yardley, PA, by calling the office or booking an appointment to see if Glo life is right for you.

About The program

The Glo Life program is intended to create sustainable change in your life through mental shifts, emotional breakthrough and habit changes.

During your one-on-one sessions with your coach, they will help you overcome obstacles, celebrate victories and brainstorm solutions. Our coaching is highly personalized, and so each person’s journey through the program will be different. Here is a brief overview of the framework we will follow and the content we may cover in our work together:





We offer 2 levels of membership: Platinum and Gold

Glo Life Platinum


Glo Life Gold


Program Elements

Initial Glo Life Assessment will include an overview of your health history and lifestyle habits, as well as take an inventory of which wellness priorities are most important to you. You will work one-on-one in a private setting with your Glo Life Coach to establish your personal goals and initial action steps to get you started along your path to success.

Following your initial session, you will have two 1-hour Wellness Coaching sessions per month to evaluate your plans, assess progress, and make any changes as necessary. In between sessions, your coach will use text messaging to stay in touch and keep you on track.

Throughout the program, your Glo Life Coach will provide you with resources and practical strategies that relate specifically to your personal goals and action steps, and will give you the encouragement, motivation, and accountability to follow through on these strategies.


Understand What Your Body Needs – The body needs micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) to function properly, but just how much we need for optimal health is often a mystery. Conventional medicine and routine annual check ups rarely test for micronutrient levels in the blood, despite the importance they play in body function.

Testing Is Key To Knowledge – Micronutrient testing is important because deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can impact body function and cause health issues over time. Genetics, lifestyle, the environment age all impact the body’s ability to absorb and process micronutrients. Low micronutrient levels can also contribute to aging, because cells become damaged without proper antioxidant protection.

Let Us Help You Understand The Micronutrients You Need – Our approach is to test and establish a baseline for optimal micronutrient levels that promote vitality and prevent disease and premature aging at the cellular level. We have Thorne supplements, custom IV drips, menu planning and lifestyle recommendations to get you back on track.

With a Glo Life Platinum Membership, get baseline micronutrient testing done and watch as mindful eating moves your numbers.


Have your blood drawn at Glo Derma – In 3 weeks your test results will be available.

SpectraCell Results Consultation – Your Glo Life Wellness Coach will review your results with you and provide a personalized supplement protocol. We can help you integrate your SpectraCell test results into your larger health plan, including your diet and lifestyle, likes and dislikes, routines, and the logistics of your life.

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*Pricing available upon request.

Glo Life Cleanse Tips | GloDerma Aesthetics in Yardley, PA

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